• Gateway

We make them all talk to each other

More and more frequently companies, especially larger ones or those active in very specific sectors, are bound by the need of using different PLMs for different situations. How do you get them ‘talk’ to each other? Our answer is Gateway, a technology that enables our solutions to not only interact with other existing PLM tools, such as a PLM associated to a CAD system, but also to extract data and transfer it to other PLMs. When two systems cannot communicate with each other, ours is able to connect them and transfer data in a neutral manner.

This solution is especially useful, for instance, in a number of situations where manufacturers associate in a consortium for specific projects. They remain competitors though sharing a project, and they want to maintain their respective systems separated. This is just an example out of many cases where our system transfers only the relevant data between PLM systems, while maintaining a total separation.

Data is exchanged in the easiest way between PLM systems that remain separate.

Want to know more? Download the Gateway Insight

Download Gateway Insight

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